Our goal is to help business owners through the decision-making process of if and when to sell.
Selling your business requires strategic thought and planning.
We assist you in answering key logical questions such as:
- What will I do after I have sold my business?
- When should I sell my business?
- Why should I sell my business?
- Should I sell my business to employees, family or a third party?
- How do I keep the sale of my business confidential?

Services and resources we offer to help the business owner gain clarity and focus include:
- Review and analysis of financial statements.
- Professional business valuation.
- Tax planning referrals.
- Legal referrals.
- Develop a written Business Description and Profile.
- Business development consulting.
- Handle the sale of real estate that pertains to the business sale.
- Lease transfers and lease negotiations.
- Pre-qualify the business for a possible SBA loan.
Our commitment is to help you “begin with the end in mind”.
It is our job to orchestrate this process and help you achieve your goal.
When the time is right for you to start, we’ll be there to help. Please contact us with any questions and or need of assistance.